Friday, February 15, 2013

Poor to Rich

O my goodness this family that lived in not such a good place where people get shoot and raped and a lot of bad stuff.  His dad was a heavy drinker and his mom died when he was just 3 years old. She was in a bad car accident on her way to work. Him and his dad don’t have a lot of money so it kind of hard to get threw at times but everything is going to change later in life. Now he is 12 years living the same way he lived 9 years ago he is 5ft 9in and weighs approximately 147 pounds.

  The first day of school he starts walking and this kid about his age said “wait up friend”.He doesnt know who this is so he waits and he says “do I know you”. The kid said no but you look like a nice kid and this is my first year here I was wondering if you know where to get to the school. Then he tells him and explains to him that this is also his first year here then they eventually get to the school. They meet up after school and see these kids playing football.

  They go over and ask hey can we play the kids said no you kids don’t look good enough to play with us the big boys. Then he said give us 2 of your guys and we will play 4 on 4 so they do and in my opinion the 2 boys didn’t even need the other 2. On kick off they received and boom right away gone touchdown then they kick off they get them down around the 20 yard line 2 play boom interception. It was just the 2 of them basically and they were both good runners and the other kid was a good thrower and the other kid was also a good receiver.

  They play on a select team and are still really good and just demolish the other team. In high school demolishing the other teams still and threw then out they get drafted from the University of Miami and now a days they play in the N.F.L on the Baltimore Ravens one a running back and the other a quarter back.