Monday, October 10, 2011


Line men are big they are like 6ft 6in and 290 pounds and strong and are mean. They have to be big to get thru the line and tackle the QB. They have to be strong to block the people on the line so they can pass or run the ball. They are the reason why teams get touchdowns

 Wide receivers are tall strong and fast. They have to be or else they wouldn’t be able to catch passes and get open. But the quarter back has to be good at throwing and the line men have to block so the QB has time to throw the ball. Then the wide receiver needs to be fast and run for a touchdown.

Running backs are fast and have to be a little strong to stay up. The line men also have to create a hole so the running back can run threw it.  The QB needs to be able to hand the ball to the running back too.  He also needs to know where to run the ball as for a wide receiver needs to know where to go for a pass and which way line men need to know how to block.

Line backer is defense he is in the back field. When the play is called he needs to know if he’s suppose to go back if it’s a pass or rush in if it’s a run. He gets a lot of tackles if he messes up it could be a touchdown.  That’s the position I want to play but you can’t weigh a lot to play it.

A center is part of the line but he has to snap the ball and then block for the QB. He has to be fast and strong it is probably one of the hardest positions of football. They probably have to block the biggest guy on the team because the person he blocking is a nose. He is the main reason the play is successful because without a good snap the play is over.

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