Monday, February 6, 2012


  Since steroids are bad for you the government made them illegal so people don't hurt themselves. Sadly, people still take them and its not good for them and they are going to pay the consequences. Since it`s  illegal it helps to have people not take them but they still do and for that shame on you. in the book Gym candy, Carl Deuker the author wants us to know about steroids and how bad they are for us.

One of the things Deuker tells us about steroids and how  they are bad for you and illegal like in the story . The effects of steroids there are some good effects like it makes you look stronger every were in your body but it doesn't really make us stronger .  It also has bad effects for you like... If you’re a man it makes your genitals smaller and it could also give you breasts. It increases chances of cancer and it messes your nipples up like it makes them bigger and makes them just look nasty. It gives those who use steroids really bad acne on our back and chest It gives you bad muscles and it destroys them all of those things they said in the story.

Steroids can also mess up your career like what happened to Berry Bonds the baseball player .If the coaches find out your taking steroids they might suspend or even kick you off the team. In the story,  Gym Candy, the main character took the steroids and the coach almost found out. The coach said he would have had to suspend him if he was caught using steroids.

Their  are different kinds of steroids. Like there are pills and you have to take them allot like they said in the story and their is some ejecting ones and its nasty you have to eject them in to your butt so often. Its just not good and it`s recommend not to take them it will always end up bad in the end.(maybe make this the first body paragraph so the reader knows a little bit about steriods)

Some times people need to take them though. Like the doctor recommended kind. One of my friends need to take them. and a long time ago my old care giver was in a car crash and the doctor said she needed to take them. I almost had to take them because i had bronchitis and if the stuff the doctor gave me didn't work I would have had to take them.     

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