Thursday, December 8, 2011

An Awsome Birthday

A Air soft Story One time their was a kid that loved air softing he had one of those bad plastic ones and it was a shotgun and it was`t horrible but some of his friends had the really good metal 450fps air soft guns. He really wanted one so it was his birthday and his mom asked him what he wanted and he said he wanted a full metal ak-74u air soft gun and his mom said no.

He was mad he really wanted one so then he said he just wants money and his mom said alright. So it was real close to his birthday. He had saved 50$ for his air soft gun so he said all i need is 150$ so he did more choirs. Now he has 75$ down and he needs 125$ more for it and his birthday is tomorrow he went to sleep and in the morning woke up to a delightful meal.

He went down stairs and his dad was waiting down stairs with his keys and he said lets go get you a air soft gun and handed me 125$ we get to the store and get in and go get the ak-74u and went home shot targets and had a wonderful birthday,

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