Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Founding Fathers

Founding Fathers

I wanted to ask the founding father some questions about the choices they made long ago. The founding father where  John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Alexander Hamilton, John Jay, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, George Washington, and  Warren G. Harding. There is a lot of them that made many of the choices that we live with today.
  The first question I would want to ask the founding father is, why did they pick the beloved eagle to be the national bird? Why didn’t they pick the turkey, the duck, or the robin? You see Robins  everywhere you go, in peoples trees and on farms all over the U.S. The turkey is one of the things that I see a lot in the morning on the way to school. I have seen at least 100 turkeys, and that is a lot of birds to see at one time. Lastly, the duck is a common bird too, I see ducks on the way to the store in small bodies of water all the time. Just a couple of days ago I saw a couple duck`s on the way home.
  Let’s get onto the second question. I would ask them if they are happy or sad about what choices they had to make about this Nation. I would be happy because, we have the freedom of speech in this country. Also I know that I am safe because of all the protection that we have in this country. I also want to thank them for the bill of rights. They are the first ten amendments to the U.S constitution.
  These are a few question that I would like to the founding fathers. They made a lot of good choices a long time ago. They made them in the best interest of all the people of this Nation including me.  Most of their choices, they made a long time ago, are still being followed today also.  

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Hunger games resolution

Conflict and Resolution

 Authors Note: I wrote this essay on the main conflict in the book Hunger games and explaining the conflict and how it was resolved during the book.

 This story is about a game that the capital makes kids fight to the death. The main conflict of the story is person vs person due to the kids fighting. The conflict was resolved at the end when Katniss and Peeta win the game.

 Another conflict was Katniss and Peeta against the capitol was another problem which was person vs society. The capitol  kept on making it interesting and changing the rules. At the end the Capitol said their could be only 1 winner while earlier in the story they said there could be 2 if they were from the same district. So they were going to kill them selves by eating berries and then the capitol said "wait congratulations you 2 have won the hunger games". At the end Katniss and Peeta won against the other 22 people. That is how it was resolved by Katniss and Peeta doing that and making the capitol say their can be 2 winners.


Tuesday, October 16, 2012


 The major event in my book is the rumble were it was the socs vs the greasers. The greasers win but what caused it was because they are rival gangs. But another reason was because Johnny had killed one of their gang members in self defense though. Another other reason was because the greasers were getting jumped by the socs. For all you that don't know what a rumble is its a bunch of people getting together and fighting. But the impact it had was one person getting stabbed others getting beat up knocked out and Dallas getting killed. The other way it had an impact was Dallas and Ponyboy going to the hospital and telling Johnny they one then johnny died because of all the burns. Dallas holding a knife to some one and then they called the cops and he got shoot up by them and that's how he died.   

Monday, October 15, 2012

A Hanted House Night

A Haunted house night

After an evening of scaring each other at a haunted house, my friends and I we snuck out and went ding dong ditching. Late night crazy creepy sounds in the woods full moon it was crazy creepy. As soon as we walked out of the house we hear a horridness noise. Then we  were just walking in the woods and we hear something creepy so we run I fall then I plopped in the mud.

  Later that night we fell asleep. In the morning I realized I can get scared and the one I was with that night said I wonder what that creepy noise was last night . So we went and discover it was just one of the things when you walk in front of it makes a creepy noise. If it was daytime we probably would not have been scared it was just because it was dark and late at night and we just saw a haunted house.