Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Hunger games resolution

Conflict and Resolution

 Authors Note: I wrote this essay on the main conflict in the book Hunger games and explaining the conflict and how it was resolved during the book.

 This story is about a game that the capital makes kids fight to the death. The main conflict of the story is person vs person due to the kids fighting. The conflict was resolved at the end when Katniss and Peeta win the game.

 Another conflict was Katniss and Peeta against the capitol was another problem which was person vs society. The capitol  kept on making it interesting and changing the rules. At the end the Capitol said their could be only 1 winner while earlier in the story they said there could be 2 if they were from the same district. So they were going to kill them selves by eating berries and then the capitol said "wait congratulations you 2 have won the hunger games". At the end Katniss and Peeta won against the other 22 people. That is how it was resolved by Katniss and Peeta doing that and making the capitol say their can be 2 winners.


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