Friday, December 16, 2011

The house of my Dreams

My dream house would be huge it would be 3 stories basement middle room and upstairs. Their would be a total of 13 rooms and part of the house would be used for a air soft war place and the yard would be for air softing too. So their would be 3 huge bathrooms and 2 living rooms the 2 sized football fields airsoft rooms but half of a room would be out side and 2 bead rooms a 2 room basement  1 scream room in the back and a room for coats and shoes and all of that. Their would be a storage place for the airsoft stuff.

My house would have an awesome work out room and I would have my own personal trainer.  The air soft war zone would be all set up and look awesome for airsofting.  I would have a wrestling room and a football field in my house and a hot tube and pool indoors. So their would be like a total of 15 rooms and the house would be huge like a machine. I would have a guest room to and I would have a whole bunch of pets like tigers and snakes and those kind of animals.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

good movies

I love movies I watch a movie every night me and my dad have a blockbuster membership. we rent one watch it and return it the next day and rent a knew one and keep on doing that for now it has been a week. They haven't maid any good movies lately at least the ones we rented. But one of my favorite movies is probably vision quest. It is about this kid that loves wrestling and wants to drop the weight to wrestle the beast kid in his state and he drops the weight. This girl gets in his life and he falls in love with her and its an awesome movie.  I also like the blind side them 2 are probably my 2 favorite movies I own both of them.

I like horror movies like Halloween and Friday the 13th and I like based or true stories like the blind side and radio. I like action movies like black hawk down and I just really like a lot of movies and kind of movies. I want to talk about the movie radio its about this one kid that is retarded and these kids bully him and the football coach sees and asks him if he want to be part of the team and be the ball boy. He does and then he gets all good the kids are nice to him and every one knows him and every thing is going good. Then his mom gets sick and he is sad and she passes and he stays at the school and has been their for like 30 years and he stays their and coaches and its just an awesome good sad story and its based on a true story.    

a cartoon

Well in my cartoon there are these kids that get in all this trouble.  They are like 13 years old and there is a tall kind of chubby kid but is tall he is like 5ft 10in and 175 pounds then theirs a short skinny kid that is 5ft 2in and 100 pounds. Their is another kid that is 5ft 6in and 130pounds. They love ding dong ditching and air softing and all that good stuff. They get in trouble a lot so they are not good kids. One time they did something so bad they went to juvey and when they got out they never did anything bad again that thing was steal a car.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

great music

I like music it is awesome I like different kinds of music like country and rap and r&b and all sorts. I like don’t blink by Kenny Chesney and I like different kinds of artists too like will smith, lil Wayne, snoop dog , wiz kalifa, Kenny Chesney , and slim shady . My favorite song is how to love by lil Wayne he has a whole bunch of good songs.

Friday, December 9, 2011

A vacation to remmember

Vacations My favorite vacation is when i went to Texas with my family to see some of my family. We went to sea world and that was fun and it was just a great time. Their were kids that played tackle football. We also went on a hick and we saw a huge spider and it was fun. I want to go back to Texas so bad again it is so fun their and i want to see my aunt and cousins.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

An Awsome Birthday

A Air soft Story One time their was a kid that loved air softing he had one of those bad plastic ones and it was a shotgun and it was`t horrible but some of his friends had the really good metal 450fps air soft guns. He really wanted one so it was his birthday and his mom asked him what he wanted and he said he wanted a full metal ak-74u air soft gun and his mom said no.

He was mad he really wanted one so then he said he just wants money and his mom said alright. So it was real close to his birthday. He had saved 50$ for his air soft gun so he said all i need is 150$ so he did more choirs. Now he has 75$ down and he needs 125$ more for it and his birthday is tomorrow he went to sleep and in the morning woke up to a delightful meal.

He went down stairs and his dad was waiting down stairs with his keys and he said lets go get you a air soft gun and handed me 125$ we get to the store and get in and go get the ak-74u and went home shot targets and had a wonderful birthday,

Friday, December 2, 2011


Snow day are for fun
Snow days are to gun (airsoft)
Snow days are for gaming
Snow days are for eating
Snow days are for watching TV
Snow days you get to wrestle and do all the beast.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Broken Bones are Funny

 authors note:What I want people to get out of my essay is that their can be some bad friends out there and sometimes life can be hard.

This is a good book it is about a kid that has 2 brother one younger and one older and he right about his life in a diary. He rights about the funny stuff the weird stuff and all the stuff that happens in his life. Some of this stuff could happen in real life and some of it i can relate to. I can relate to probably 25% of the stuff in the story like broken bones and friends and just funny reality stuff that can happen and does in my life and others.

In the diary of a wimpy kid book they deal with problems and they try to beat it but some times they just make it worse and some times they make it better. They made a whole series out of it they made like 5 books in the series. I think it could be based off of a real person in life or else some one that could have this life in the book. They also made a movie series out of it too. His goal in the book and in life in the book is to be big to be noticed.

So he tries a whole bunch of stuff that does not work. He really wants to get popular and hes funny and he thinks he is cool and he is friends with like 2 kids. One he always hangs out with and is mean to him and breaks his arm. there is one kid that is like his friend his name is like Fregly and he hated him but Fregly always talked to him and annoyed him.

He was grows he had a secret mole and it was disgusting it had hair on it and Fregly was just a weird kid. But Rowly was Greg's friend and they hung out but they were weird friend. Well Greg was a  bad and a good Friend and he was also a weird kid so they all were kinda meant to be friends and at the end they were kinda.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

our country

Our country

I like our country I couldn’t think it could get any better. I don’t like that we have to go to war and fight to stay like this so we can be free people die for us so we can be like this. The reason we have good breakfast and technology is because we can because of our army like we have I pod good food and all of this is because of them. I honor our solders do you our army has Special Forces that are really good and do a lot to help us. We are probably one of the freest countries so far.

We could fall behind sometime and be like the other countries which are really bad so we have to be good and thankful for what we have and the people to give them to us. We can hunt we have good living and we have it good to other countries some countries women can`t even go outside without covering up their face. They have no rights and all the men do. In some countries if you break a law you can get a finger hand arm toe foot or leg cut off how would you like that in your country.

We have zoos and pets in some countries people are so poor they have to eat their pets and animals. Some countries have executions if someone does something bad enough. Some countries are like us like some of china and London and those big countries and some of them might be even richer. But we are still good and strong and I think will be like this for a while still but we have to be thankful and some even willing to be a solder and fight for our country so we can be like this we also need a good government and president to make good calls well that’s what I have to say about our country so good luck and good lives.

Monday, October 10, 2011


Line men are big they are like 6ft 6in and 290 pounds and strong and are mean. They have to be big to get thru the line and tackle the QB. They have to be strong to block the people on the line so they can pass or run the ball. They are the reason why teams get touchdowns

 Wide receivers are tall strong and fast. They have to be or else they wouldn’t be able to catch passes and get open. But the quarter back has to be good at throwing and the line men have to block so the QB has time to throw the ball. Then the wide receiver needs to be fast and run for a touchdown.

Running backs are fast and have to be a little strong to stay up. The line men also have to create a hole so the running back can run threw it.  The QB needs to be able to hand the ball to the running back too.  He also needs to know where to run the ball as for a wide receiver needs to know where to go for a pass and which way line men need to know how to block.

Line backer is defense he is in the back field. When the play is called he needs to know if he’s suppose to go back if it’s a pass or rush in if it’s a run. He gets a lot of tackles if he messes up it could be a touchdown.  That’s the position I want to play but you can’t weigh a lot to play it.

A center is part of the line but he has to snap the ball and then block for the QB. He has to be fast and strong it is probably one of the hardest positions of football. They probably have to block the biggest guy on the team because the person he blocking is a nose. He is the main reason the play is successful because without a good snap the play is over.