Tuesday, December 18, 2012

A winter Sky

The cold Winter sky

Flew right by

As we drove to wrestling

The night before

The super bowl

With a bowl of chili

Ohh  my those were good times

Sledding away with friends

Not stopping till the end

Of the grass

Splash landed in the muck

O man that sucked.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Deathwatch Prediction

Deathwatch Prediction
By. Robb White

 Author`s Note: I Think this is a good piece for the format and the telling i think it tells you about Deathwatch quite a bite. 

  My prediction for the ending of the story is Ben is going to stay in the dark spooky cave. He is going to wait till Madec gets up there. When he gets up their he`s going to search for Ben when he finds him. Ben is going to shoot him with the slingshot and its going to hurt him and put him to the growned but it won’t kill him. Ben will then take Madecs keys and start the car ; Madec will then shoot the tiers out so he can not drive to the high way.

  When Ben was in the car he found Madecs awesome .357 Magnum. He had thought then I can act like he caught me and that I give up then when I get close enough to shoot him that is what I will do. When Madec was about 30feet away Ben then took out the pistol and shot him. Ben then makes a fire so the helicopter can find him and it does takes him back. He then explains the whole thing and the police find the evidence and believe him.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Character Development

A Life Of Micheal

  Authors Note: Michael Oher  in the Book The Blind Side by Michael lewis. This peace shows and explains his development threw out the book and how he changes his thought and his look in other people’s eyes.

  In the beginning of The book Michael doesn’t have a family or a home. So that is what leads him to being a shy kid. How he is a shy kid is because he doesn’t talk to people he just walks and  looks awkward. He had one friend also they were kind of a poor but he slept on their couch sometimes. Then his friends dad takes him and Michael to a school. The reason is because his friends mom wants his friend to go to a church school.

  So his dad takes them then he goes to the coach for administration. But he really want the other kid Michael Oher to get into the school also. So he tells the coach how good he is with anything with a ball.  So the coach looks out side watching them play basketball and sees Michael dribble dribble Bang!!! To the hoop he dunks it the coach gets him into the school for his athletic abilities.

  Then he was walking to the gym one day and these god loving people come out take him adopt him and give him a good life. Then  the little brother makes a beast of the year video and mails it to the collages. Then he gets drafted and then he goes to the N.F.L to this day he is in it on the Baltimore Ravens #74. He had such a good effect on people and he was a good guy.   

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Founding Fathers

Founding Fathers

I wanted to ask the founding father some questions about the choices they made long ago. The founding father where  John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Alexander Hamilton, John Jay, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, George Washington, and  Warren G. Harding. There is a lot of them that made many of the choices that we live with today.
  The first question I would want to ask the founding father is, why did they pick the beloved eagle to be the national bird? Why didn’t they pick the turkey, the duck, or the robin? You see Robins  everywhere you go, in peoples trees and on farms all over the U.S. The turkey is one of the things that I see a lot in the morning on the way to school. I have seen at least 100 turkeys, and that is a lot of birds to see at one time. Lastly, the duck is a common bird too, I see ducks on the way to the store in small bodies of water all the time. Just a couple of days ago I saw a couple duck`s on the way home.
  Let’s get onto the second question. I would ask them if they are happy or sad about what choices they had to make about this Nation. I would be happy because, we have the freedom of speech in this country. Also I know that I am safe because of all the protection that we have in this country. I also want to thank them for the bill of rights. They are the first ten amendments to the U.S constitution.
  These are a few question that I would like to the founding fathers. They made a lot of good choices a long time ago. They made them in the best interest of all the people of this Nation including me.  Most of their choices, they made a long time ago, are still being followed today also.  

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Hunger games resolution

Conflict and Resolution

 Authors Note: I wrote this essay on the main conflict in the book Hunger games and explaining the conflict and how it was resolved during the book.

 This story is about a game that the capital makes kids fight to the death. The main conflict of the story is person vs person due to the kids fighting. The conflict was resolved at the end when Katniss and Peeta win the game.

 Another conflict was Katniss and Peeta against the capitol was another problem which was person vs society. The capitol  kept on making it interesting and changing the rules. At the end the Capitol said their could be only 1 winner while earlier in the story they said there could be 2 if they were from the same district. So they were going to kill them selves by eating berries and then the capitol said "wait congratulations you 2 have won the hunger games". At the end Katniss and Peeta won against the other 22 people. That is how it was resolved by Katniss and Peeta doing that and making the capitol say their can be 2 winners.


Tuesday, October 16, 2012


 The major event in my book is the rumble were it was the socs vs the greasers. The greasers win but what caused it was because they are rival gangs. But another reason was because Johnny had killed one of their gang members in self defense though. Another other reason was because the greasers were getting jumped by the socs. For all you that don't know what a rumble is its a bunch of people getting together and fighting. But the impact it had was one person getting stabbed others getting beat up knocked out and Dallas getting killed. The other way it had an impact was Dallas and Ponyboy going to the hospital and telling Johnny they one then johnny died because of all the burns. Dallas holding a knife to some one and then they called the cops and he got shoot up by them and that's how he died.   

Monday, October 15, 2012

A Hanted House Night

A Haunted house night

After an evening of scaring each other at a haunted house, my friends and I we snuck out and went ding dong ditching. Late night crazy creepy sounds in the woods full moon it was crazy creepy. As soon as we walked out of the house we hear a horridness noise. Then we  were just walking in the woods and we hear something creepy so we run I fall then I plopped in the mud.

  Later that night we fell asleep. In the morning I realized I can get scared and the one I was with that night said I wonder what that creepy noise was last night . So we went and discover it was just one of the things when you walk in front of it makes a creepy noise. If it was daytime we probably would not have been scared it was just because it was dark and late at night and we just saw a haunted house.

Friday, September 28, 2012

Blind side

Blind Side

Authors Note: This is my book ad about the book! The blind side by Michael Lewis

  This book was about a young man who was in a tough place.After a new family adopted him, they helped him with football and school and treated him like he was their natural born son.At the end of the book he makes it to the NFL  and he is still close to his family.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Amazing baseball player

Favorite baseball player
My favorite baseball player would have to be Paul Monitor he was amazing he was 6ft 185 pounds. He was a righty in Batting and throwing his high school was  Cretin-Derham Hall (St. Paul, MN). He was born August 22, 1956 St. Paul Minnesota he was drafted by the brewers 3rd pick in the 1st round. Signed in on june 24, 1977 He played for the twins, brewers, and blue jays. His agent was ron simons his last game was September 27, 1998 inducted into the hall of fame by BBWAA as Player in 2004. One time he even went to one of my grandpas baseball game and he gave him a signed baseball card. He was as good as good as sunday dinners. He was 6ft 185 pounds just kinda like me he played 21 seasons total he played 1st 2nd 3rd base he played a total of 13,007.2 innings. He got 9 mvp awards 6 as awards and 2 roy-2 awards his salary was 39,167,666 dollars total in his years. He had 3,266 hits he played 2nd and 3rd base a total of 719 times. 

Friday, May 11, 2012

My NFL stadium

Favorite NFL stadium
My favorite Football stadium is Lambo field because it is the only field i have been to when i was there it was huge like the roller coasters at six flags. From on tv it looks like it is the top 10 fields in football my favorite coach was their Vince Limbardie. The only game i have been to was their it was the packers last year vs the Giants it was to get into the Superbowl and it was fun. It is home to some legends like Brett favre and Aaron Rodgers and clay Mathews well people i really like and might not be legends. last year Superbowl champs too.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

MLB Stadium

Favorite MLB stadium
Anaheim stadium is my favorite stadium of all home to the Angels. Its first game was in april 19, 1966 and the construction began in August 31, 1964 it was the angels against the chicago white sox it held a capacity of 43,204. The owner agreed to keep the field in till 2018 the owner is not a person but the city the city of anaheim. It coast 24 dollars million to make it and 118 million dollars to renew and repair in 1997-1999. The grass they use for the field is blue grass. Krod had 62 record saves their.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Alliteration peaces


Would I eat it? Who wouldn’t eat something that has been stepped on and has been in the streets and has been in the toilet?   


The man was so good at being bad


Bialey bought billions of bouncy balls.


RG3 threw faster than a falcon can fly.


As I threw the football billions of hawks, fought to grab the football.


He cut his way out of the thick forest.


As I walked into the park the swings screamed at me.


The fair was not so faire.

A wrestlers story

Wrestling helps you get stronger faster and be a better person. Their was a huge guy called Beu that would beat everybody in his weight class and one weight class up and down. He was a monster he could be anyone then he got beat one time late February Stake Lake Wrestling Tournament.  The kid was amazing he was ripped 6ft 165 pounds can bench 160 pounds and trains and has been wrestling for 7 years he was 14.

But his life story was sad his mom and dad were divorced and his dad was on drugs and he abused him when he was younger. He lived in the ghetto  and his step brothers weren't brothers at all to him they bullied him. He only had one friend and his friend was a little kid and would get bullied. One day he was tired of his friend getting bullied so one day he saw his friend getting bullied and he speed up and picked the bully up and threw him up in the air.

 The kid landed and got hurt the kid that was a bully was a bad kid would do a whole bunch of bad stuff so he knew he needed to watch out now. Well the next day at school the bully wasn’t their and the next day and for the rest of the school week. But then on the weekend he was walking to his friends house and the bully was walking toward him with a bunch of friends so he started running. He saw them starting to run also so he ran to his friends house even faster.

 His friend lived in a apartment so when he got their and looked to see if they were still fallowing him and they weren't. So he went in and his friend was playing x-box and they talked and then they stopped and went to go get a drink because he was out of breath. He got some water and they went back his friend said why did you stand up for me yesterday.  Then he said he has guns he is going to kill you he is a very bad person.

 Then he said I don’t care my life sucks any way then the friend says don’t give up we can fix this. So they go and move to New Mexico and begin new lives and be rich folk and get their money threw wrestling  beats. Well then one day the Wrestler got beat and they didn’t have any money so they ran but this time they got caught. So the people said since you don’t have the money they took their right eye. So they did now the kid will never have a wrestling carrier. The other eventually died from murder they think it was because he didn’t have the money.  The wrestler now has a family and a house and a life and he is happy.



Friday, March 16, 2012

Sad Oil

Drilling for oil

  I’m kind of stuck on what I think is right or wrong for drilling in Alaska a.n.w.r. I think it we shouldn’t because it would be kind of sad just like flying over a big toxic dump and think that used to be beautiful a land full of life and animals. Now it’s just a big hole miles and miles long and wide that just looks like a waste land. Maybe if it just started you hiked or fished or hunted their but now you can’t.

  The good things drilling in the a.n.w.r would be used for. Give jobs for hundreds of thousands of people and maybe for me if it happens. Give people more money that way for homes and cars and food and everything you see or do threw your daily life. It would also give the government money for getting the oil and selling it and they would keep everything good and how its suppose to. It would also be good for people for cars, and homes that run on oil for power and heat. It would also make more paper from the trees they cut down.   

  Since their are some good things their are also some bad things that it would occur on or for. It would pollute and that’s not good for the environment. It would kill animals because the pollution and taking their homes away from them. The environmentalist would lose their jobs and that wouldn’t be good. Then we wouldn’t have as much hunting and fishing going on.

  More people would like it than be against it because… It would give us oil, jobs, and money. We need jobs in the U.S.A because China is graduating more people and their coming here and stealing our jobs. The jobs would give people money and the U.S.A is in budget a lot From China so that could give us a chance to pay them back. The oil is all of the reason sell it and get money used for cars and homes for heating sources. The things people might not like is the land and animals how peaceful it is and the hunting and fishing and hiking they might not want that to go away.

  But overall I don’t want them to do it because A I wouldn’t want the pollution to go around and me to fly over it some time and see garbage and a huge hole. B I want to go their some day and fish and camp up there. It would be good for our country for the jobs, money, and oil but I just wouldn’t want to see that one day and I would want to go there someday. If we only relied on that oil we got from the a.n.w.r it would only last us 6 months and I think we should find a new power source that’s better for the environment and I think we will pretty soon. Hopefully we will save the a.n.w.r animals need homes too.